Per la pubblicazione degli articoli della sezione “Tradizione Romana” si è applicato, in maniera rigorosa, il procedimento di peer review. Ogni articolo è stato valutato positivamente da due referees, che hanno operato con il sistema del double-blind. |
Magistratus |
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BRONISŁAW SITEK – University of Social Sciences and Humanities Warsaw-Poland
Est… proprium munus magistratus… servare leges…. Responsibility of magistratus due to iniuria
Contents: 1. Introduction. – 2. Two models of the Roman Empire - similar functioning of the magistrate. – 3. Legal basis obliging megastructure to obey the law. – 4. Iniuria as a form of action of Roman magistrate contra legem. – 5. Responsibility of magistratus for iniuria. – 6. Exemplification of the responsibility of the Roman magistrate arising from iniuria. – 7. Conclusion. – Abstract |
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ANNA TARWACKA - Wydział Prawa i Administracji UKSW Warszawa
Come vendicarsi dei censori? Scontri politici e responsabilità penale dei guardiani della morale
Sommario: 1. Introduzione. – 2. Il caso dei censori P. Furio Filo e M. Attilio Regolo. – 3. Il caso dei censori M. Livio Salinatore e C. Claudio Nerone. – 4. Il caso dei censori Ti. Sempronio Gracco e C. Claudio Pulcro. – 5. Il caso del censore Scipione l’Africano. – 6. Il caso del censore Q. Metello Macedonico. – 7. Conclusione. – Abstract. |
Tabulae testamentarie |
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FRANCESCA SCOTTI – Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano
La pluralità di tabulae testamentarie: fonti letterarie e casistica giurisprudenziale
Abstract: In the classical age Romans were very concerned with preparing wills, which explains why a number of sources show the use among Roman testators of keeping their wills constantly updated by preparing new ones or adding codicils to those that had already been performed. The purpose of this essay is to gather literary sources on this topic and jurisprudential problematic texts concerning the exhibitio and opening of the tablets, the grant of bonorum possessio secundum tabulas, the interpretation and the revocation of the will. |
Illuminismo & Diritto romano |
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SILVIA SCHIAVO – Università di Ferrara
Cesare Beccaria, la tortura e i “romani legislatori”
Abstract: In Cesare Beccaria’s On Crimes and Punishments the chapter on torture, one of the most famous of the book, contains a significant recall of Roman law. The author refers to ancient experience to strengthen his arguments against torture. The article explores the use of Roman law done by Beccaria, especially with regard to the controversial relationship between torture and veritas. In particular, through the reading of some sources (including texts of D. 48.18 De quaestionibus), it is intended to demonstrate how this relationship appears overly simplified in Beccaria’s point of view. |
GIORGIA MARAGNO – Università di Ferrara
Abstract: This article offers a detailed reading of the nineteenth paragraph (Du suicide) of Voltaire’s Commentaire sur le livre des délits et des peines, with specific emphasis on its references to Roman Law and Canon Law. Voltaire’s quote from an imperial rescript concerning the goods of a man who committed suicide (C. 9.50.1), as well as his mention of the canonistic interdiction of Christian burial, when critically examined, show their nature of ‘half-truths’. The urgent need to decriminalize suicide seems to overpower the historical and philological accuracy of his remarks |
Aspetti giuridici del tardoantico |
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CRISTIANA M.A. RINOLFI – Università di Sassari
Normativa primaria e normativa secondaria in materia di zygostatai
Sommario: 1. Introduzione. – 2. La costituzione di Giuliano. – 3. L’editto del prefetto del pretorio Hierius. – 4. L’Ed. 11 di Giustiniano. – 5. Epilogo. – Abstract |
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PIETRO PAOLO ONIDA – Università di Sassari
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Quaderno edito con il contributo di:
Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza |
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Reg Trib. di Sassari N. 217 del 3-2-2004