N° 2 - Marzo 2003 - CV

Dan Berindei



Member of the Romanian Academy


Born: November 3, 1923, in Bucharest



1945 - Graduate of Letters and Philosophy, specialty History, at the University of Bucharest

1969 - PhD in Historical Scien


Professional Activity

1946-1990 - scientific researcher at the Institute of Balkan Studies and Researches and the Institute of History "N.Iorga"

1990 - retired

Since 1990 - associate professor at the Faculty of History, University of Bucharest


Academic Activity

1991 - corresponding member of the Romanian Academy

1992 - full member of the Romanian Academy

since 1996 - chairman of the Section for Historic Sciences and Archeology, re-elected in 1997

President of the Commission of Heraldry, Genealogy and Sealography of the Romanian Academy.


Publishing Activity


Over 500 scientific works and over 50 books, regarding especially the developments occurred during the XVIII-XX centuries in the Romanian and universal history, with particular emphasis on the history of the international relations, the history of culture, the socio-political history, the history of the agrarian relations.


Among the books published lately:


Revolutia romana din l821 (The Romanian Revolution of 1821), 1991


Societatea romaneasca in vremea lui Carol I (1988-1876) (The Romanian Society under Carol the First), 1992


Diplomatia romaneasca moderna (The Modern Romanian Diplomacy), 1995


Revolutia romana din 1848-1849. Consideratii si reflectii (The Romanian Revolution of 1848-1849. Considerations and Reflections), 1997


Romanii si Europa in perioadele premoderna si moderna (The Romanians and Europe in Pre-Modern and Modern Ages), 1997


Revolutia romana din 1848-1849. Insemnatatea si programele ei (The Romanian Revolution of 1848-1849. Its Significance and Programs), 1998


Active Participant to numerous international conferences and seminaries with more than 200 reports, communications and lectures. An important number of contributions published abroad


Member in editorial committees abroad ("Revue d'Europe centrale" Strasbourg, "Cahiers Charles Fourier" - Besançon etc).




member of 16 International Scientific Bodies or from other countries


since 1985 - vice-president of the International Commission of Slavic Historic Studies


since 1988 - corresponding member of South-East European Studies from München


since 1990 - member of the Board of Direction of the International Association of Europe's Contemporary History


since 1994 - member of the European Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters of Paris


since 1996 - foreign member of the Polish Academy of Sciences and Letters from Cracovia


since 1996 - president of the National Historians' Committee of Romania